Our Youth Voice team conducted a consultation with a group of young people aged 16-25 from across England to gain their thoughts and insights on where young people would go for trusted information on the vaccine, where they might come across misinformation, how best to reach young people with communications, what means or platforms to utilise, what messages may resonate, and what fonts or colours might be best to use on associated images. The results of the consultation were then fed back to Groundswell UK. The campaign materials were designed by Birmingham design agency One Black Bear.
Barrie Hodge, Head of Fundraising and Communications at St Basils said; “This is a campaign that was all about ensuring homeless young people are in possession of all the facts so that they can make an informed decision about whether they wanted to get the vaccine. There’s so much information and misinformation out there, particularly on social media, so this campaign was about reaching young people with information based on actual scientific evidence. Thanks to Groundswell for getting us involved in this important campaign.”