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St Basils works with young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, helping almost 4000 young people per year across the West Midlands region with specific services in Birmingham, Coventry, Evesham, Leamington Spa, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and the Wyre Forest.

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Who we help

Every year over 1000 young people are housed in our 40+ supported accommodation schemes, which for some young people includes their young children as well.

We have a range of outreach, advice, support, accommodation, employability and engagement services to help young people regain the stability they need to rebuild their lives, gain skills, confidence and employment and move on.

The aim is to help them successfully break the ‘cycle of homelessness’ so that they can go on to experience a bright, fulfilling future and never return to a state where they are at risk of homelessness again.

How does St Basils work to break the cycle of homelessness?

Key Stats snapshot

During April 2023 - March 2024

  • 3,718 young people received advice and support.
  • 1,611 young people were supported by us during the year.
  • 1,034 young people lived in our 40+ accommodation schemes.
  • Up to 590 young people lived with us at any one time.
  • 87% of young people moved on from St Basils in a planned, positive way.