St Basils works with young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, to enable them to find and keep a home, grow their confidence, develop their skills, increase opportunities and prevent homelessness.
Introducing St Basils
Here’s our Chief Executive Jean Templeton to explain who we are and how we ensure young people can get help when they need it.
Our work
Success Stories
Below are a just few stories from the young people we work with. Names may have been changed in some cases, but in every other way these stories accurately reflect the struggles some young people go through and, ultimately, how St Basils help them to find happiness and security again.
Success Stories James
“Coming to St Basils has really helped me. My support worker in particular has been great – she’s supported me and pushed me to be the best I can be. I’m really proud to have got this job”.
Success Stories Christopher
“This scheme has helped me massively…without St Basils, this scheme and the support, I would not be in the position I am today”
Here Christopher shares his story and how the support at St Basils and our NHS Apprenticeship scheme took him from shy and nervous to confident and happy!
Success Stories Dan
“I very much feel like St Basils helped me get back on my feet…. and set me up for life too.”
Ex-resident Dan, who lived at St Basils Short Heath project in Erdington in 2007-2008 aged 19-20, shares his story and his plans to give back to St Basils.
Success Stories Tom
“I was very low when I first came here but now it feels like I’m right up there, it doesn’t feel like it could get much better than this. I’m happy, I’m ready to start my apprenticeship, I’ve got a girlfriend now and I’m on the ‘move on’ scheme, just waiting to hear about a flat – I don’t know what’s left!”
Success Stories Eryk
“Working here has been great – I’d recommend it to anyone. I’m really thankful… St Basils and this opportunity has definitely helped me get back on track, feel calmer and more focused and in control of my life”
Success Stories Demi
“I feel St Basils alleviated a lot of the barriers I’d had that were preventing me pursuing my goals and dreams. Before I came to St Basils I was very anxious, whereas once St Basils helped me and housed me, I felt much more secure. The staff were really supportive, and they also helped me further when they encouraged me to apply for a grant which meant I could join a University course and gain some much needed work experience which improved my confidence further. “
Success Stories “St Basils gave me hope”
“I didn’t become a statistic… I thank St Basils for the opportunities, which I doubt would ever have come if I hadn’t discovered they existed.”
-One ex-resident shares her story.
St Basils' Charter
Designing out Youth Homelessness
“We want young people to feel cared about, to have trusted support, somewhere safe, suitable and affordable to live that enables them to learn and work.”
Our Principles to work by
Young people first.
Everybody counts.
Working and learning with others.
Strength and unity through diversity.
Delivery and effectiveness.
Forward thinking.
Our Strategic Priorities
We have Six Strategic Priorities:
- Provision of good quality accommodation which meets the needs and raises the aspirations of young people.
- Provision and development of prevention and support services which meet the diverse needs of young people.
- Young people fully involved in setting standards, identifying priorities and monitoring services.
- St. Basils – a good place to work.
- Challenging discrimination and promoting diversity and cohesion through employment, service delivery and community engagement*.
- Optimising resources to achieve our strategic objectives.
Our Equality & Diversity policy
St Basils is committed to creating an environment for staff, young people and partners that is free from all forms of discrimination and where diversity is embraced. It is our intention to do our very best for each young person, ensuring that the service St Basils offers is fair, inclusive, appropriate and relevant for each individual. St Basils also wants to ensure that staff are provided with the best employment opportunities and that they are enabled to contribute effectively to the work of the organisation.
Our strategic priority ‘Challenging discrimination and promoting diversity and cohesion through employment, service delivery and community engagement’, highlights our commitment to ensuring that staff and young people are provided with a safe and secure environment in which they can thrive and develop, and where all aspects of their welfare is protected.