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Young Person’s Outreach Navigation Service


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Young Person’s Outreach Navigation Service

This service aims to help ensure young people in crisis who are ‘roofless’ and have nowhere else to go can access the support they need.

Vanessa from the team tells us more:

How it works

St Basils Outreach Navigation workers initiate contact with young rough sleepers and those at risk of rough sleeping, via street outreach.

Outreach Navigation workers then help guide young people into appropriate support and accommodation. Essentially it is taking what we offer here at St Basils direct to young people on the streets. The team are also able to refer young people to appropriate agencies for support and will accompany young people to appointments where required, including ensuring access to benefits and other provisions.

The team work alongside the Street Intervention and Rough Sleeping teams to identify young rough sleepers or young people at risk and are also able to take self-referrals from young people or referrals from other outreach teams.Street outreach photo Birmingham2

Hours of service: 8am until 4pm Monday to Friday.

The team respond to all referrals within 24 hours (with the exception of weekends).

Getting help in Birmingham

If you’re a young person in need of help please call St Basils Youth Hub via the Youthline helpline on tel: 0300 303 0099 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm). Outside of these hours please call 0121 303 2296 if you are over 18 and 0121 675 4806 if you are under 18.

Or, if you have no credit on your phone, text NEED ST BASILS to 62277.