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We’re celebrating the wonderful Milly- a young person who’s been part of the St Basils family for a few years, and who has now moved on in a very positive way. She tells us her story.


“After a rocky home life, being brought up by my Nan and my Dad, there was abuse at home that I suffered from. I ran away several times. After being brought home by the police one time at the age of 16, I was assigned a family support worker named Zebe, who helped me massively. We decided together that moving out was a good option, so we went to St Basils Hub, and after a few weeks I was offered accommodation.”


“I stayed in Yardley House for 3 months, then moved on to Shaftesbury House where I spent 8 months. I then moved on to Trentham House as it was more suitable for me as I was expecting a little girl.*  It was a long journey there where I stayed for over 2 years before finally being offered my very own property!”


“Every single member of staff I came across, spoke to, and worked with were amazing. My key worker from Trentham- Rachel Wright was fantastic, so caring, and truly helped me. I was there for a long time and I went through several things- she was always there for me during that time and still helps me to this day! A big shoutout to Sylvia Allen and Maria Jones too for being so loving, not only towards me, but to my daughter Callie too, who absolutely adores them.”


I’m optimistic about my future. My daughter is nearly 3 years old- I started work part-time as soon as I got my own property and have recently passed my driving test. I’ve been decorating my house and making it all nice- I’m slowly starting to feel like my life is getting into order, and I’m looking forward to what is in store for me!”


“St Basils is a fantastic opportunity for young people, with lots of support and love.”


Rachel Wright, Progression Coach at Trentham House, says “Working with Milly was a pleasure, and it is so inspiring to see how much she has grown in confidence and how she has become such an amazing Mum.”

All of us at St Basils wish Milly and Callie the best of luck for their futures!


*(NB- our Trentham House Project is a specialist home for expecting young women and young women with children)