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St Basils marks 48 years but we need your help to ensure we can continue

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St Basils marks 48 years but we need your help to ensure we can continue

St Basils was founded 48 years ago and in that time has helped tens of thousands of young people but we are struggling in the current situation. Can you help ensure we can continue to reach more young people in the future by making a pledge on 10th October for World Homeless Day?

Its 48 years since St Basils was founded by the late Revd Les Milner on 1st October 1972 to prevent youth homelessness and stop the ‘cycle of homelessness’ trapping people into a life on the streets.

St Basils in 1972

Back then St Basils could house 18 young men in dormitory style beds and also had a street outreach service and advice centre helping around 30 young people at a time.

Reflecting on St Basils’ beginnings in a previous review Les wrote; “We started [St Basils] with incredible naivety and only 2 and a half staff to cover all our services but there was an instance response from the young people and in no time we were flooded out…. We had a saying ‘For as long as it takes’; we would stay with each young person for as long as it took to sort their problems out.” 

St Basils today

In recent years St Basils has on average been helping 4000 – 5000 young people per year with housing, support and advice amongst other services.

But what if St Basils had never existed? How different would our communities be? How different would our streets look?

Can you help us? Please take a World Homeless Day pledge

Like many charities we’re struggling right now due to the ongoing situation and not being able to hold any of our usual fundraising events. This means we may not be able to reach as many young people this year. There is another important day coming up in October; its ‘World Homeless Day’ on Saturday 10th October. This year we’re asking you our wonderful supporters to make a #homelessdaypledge and help St Basils to prevent youth homelessness right now.

There are lots of ways you can help including:

Please take your pledge on social media and tag us in:

Please share with your family, friends, community or faith group and your other networks. Thank you!