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Big Sleepout Supporter Mailers

For each event, we send out weekly Mailers to everyone who has signed up and taking part.

The mailers are filled with things to look forward to, fundraising tips and important information reminders.

All important information is just a recap of what you have received already, so don’t worry if you miss a mailer or two and if you do, we’ve included all the mailers below.

If you have any questions about the upcoming Big Sleepout, please feel free to get in touch anytime via:

3rd October 2024

Just Over 8 Weeks To Go...



Starting today, we’ll be sending weekly emails with updates on your upcoming Big Sleepout!

These emails will include information about the challenge ahead, plus our top fundraising tips and tools – and how your support and donations will make a big difference here at St Basils.


About St Basils

St Basils provides support and accomodation for young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. 

Our aim is to help them successfully break the ‘cycle of homelessness’ so that they can go on to experience a bright, fulfilling future and never have to return to a situation where they are at risk of homelessness again. 

Your fundraising will help us continue our vital work across the West Mids, where we support up to 4,000 young people every year. So, if we haven’t said it already – thank you! 


The Big Sleepout Event Pack

Our Big Sleepout Event Pack provides all the important information about the upcoming challenge, including T&Cs, our favourite fundraising tips and tools – and how to make the most of your donations page. 

Check out the new Big Sleepout Event Pack, here: Big Sleepout Event Pack 2024


Going Home!

Past participants, including some returning for 2024, have told us that the relief of going home to a warm bed and shower highlights the event’s true meaning.

We know the Big Sleepout can’t replicate homelessness or the fear of sleeping rough, and we don’t want anyone to think it can. However, many have said that the experience makes them truly appreciate what they have – and what our young people do not.


A Social Post For You To Share…

Each week our Fundraising Team is providing a small task to help you reach your fundraising target.

This week, we’ve provided a tile for you to share across your socials. You’ll find it attached to this email and below, we have some text for you to place alongside it. 

“I’m spending a night sleeping rough so a young person doesn’t have to!

St Basils supports young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, providing them with accommodation and the additional support they need for a bright future. 

This year, I’m taking part in their Big Sleepout to raise crucial funds for their cause. If you’re able, please donate to my fundraising page below – thank you!

Don’t forget to include your fundraising page link, which you’ll find here:


That’s everything from us this week! We’ll be back next Thursday with another mailer to keep you updated. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email:

Thanks, The Fundraising Team – St Basils

Ps, Follow us on socials! Facebook I Instagram I LinkedIn I X (Twitter)

10th October 2024

Just Over 7 Weeks To Go...




We’re back with another weekly update for your upcoming Big Sleepout!

If you’ve just signed up and think you might have missed some details, don’t worry! You can catch up on all our previous updates here: Previous Supporter Mailers

These emails are our way of keeping you informed about the challenge ahead and also sharing the work we do at St Basils. Most importantly, we want to highlight how your donations are making a real difference in supporting young people in need.




The Table Analogy

Most people think homelessness is something that will never affect them – and thankfully for most of those people this will be true. But for more people than you might expect, the possibility of homelessness is not that far away. Last year, studies suggested almost half of people renting are just one payday away from homelessness.

To illustrate how quickly people’s circumstances can change, we use a simple table analogy. 

Think of a table with four legs representing your health, income, support network, and a roof over your head. If one leg weakens, the table wobbles, and the strain on the others grows, making homelessness a real threat. At St Basils, we’re dedicated to helping young people strengthen their table legs, providing the support they need to stay balanced and secure.

Watch our video (link below) explaining the analogy in more detail, and please share with your friends and family too! 

St Basils’ Table Analogy




Your Fundraising Page

An Enthuse fundraising page was automatically set up for you when you signed up to take part in the Big Sleepout.  

To kick start your fundraising, Enthuse suggests three steps to help you reach your target…

  1. Upload a profile picture: Fundraisers with a profile picture typically raise nearly three times more, as it reassures friends and family that they’re supporting the right person!
  2. Share your motivation: Explaining why you’re taking on this challenge can greatly influence people’s willingness to donate and the amount they give.
  3. Express gratitude to your supporters: Thanking your current and future donors is a fantastic way to show your appreciation. In fact, fundraisers who take the time to say ‘thank you’ attract 48% more donors on average!

Visit your page below, and give the steps a go!





Meeting Team St Basils!

One of the best parts of the Big Sleepout is meeting the St Basils Staff & Volunteers!

They’ll be on hand to chat about the charity’s work, share tips on the best spots for your cardboard fort, and guide you to where you can grab a hot drink if needed throughout the night.




Share Your Story With Us…

We’re eager to hear from groups and individuals who want to share their stories about why they’ve chosen to take on the Sleepout challenge.

We hope to showcase a range of experiences across our social media platforms and in press releases, highlighting the diverse motivations behind attending this event! It’s also a great way to share your story and fundraising page to a wider audience. 

If you would like to share your story, please email our team via:



That’s everything from us this week! We’ll be back next Thursday with another mailer to keep you updated. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email:


Thanks, The Fundraising Team – St Basils

Ps, Follow us on socials! Facebook I Instagram I LinkedIn I X (Twitter)

17th October 2024

Just Over 6 Weeks To Go...




There’s just six weeks to go until The Big Sleepout, and we’re back with another update to help you prepare!

If you’ve recently signed up and feel like you might have missed some key details from these weekly mailers, don’t worry—you can catch up on all our previous updates right here: Previous Supporter Mailers.

These emails are here to keep you informed about the event and to showcase how your support is creating real change for young people at St Basils.



Because of You, We Can Make a Difference

St Basils provides accommodation and support to over 600+ young people every night, across more than 40+ supported accommodation schemes within the West Mids. 

But to be able to provide good, safe accommodation and the additional support needed, it costs St Basils an extra £8.93 per young person, per day.

This is where you come in; we literally couldn’t do what we do without you, our supporters who help us raise the money to do this.

On behalf of us all at St Basils, thank you for taking part, raising vital funds and helping us continue our work.

Access your personalised fundraising page, here: {VIEW PAGE}




Sponsorship Form & Poster

When you signed-up for the Big Sleepout, you should have received an email with a link to your Event’s Pack.

This pack includes all the essential details about the event, like T&Cs, top fundraising tips, and guidance on making the most of your donation page.

It also features a sponsorship form and a printable poster, which can be very useful to boost your fundraising efforts. The sponsorship form helps you easily track pledged donations, while the poster is perfect for spreading the word and encouraging more people to support your challenge!

Access the Big Sleepout Event Pack, here





The Band of the West Midlands Fire Service, who have generously supported us at previous Sleepouts, will be joining us again this year. They’ll be playing a lively mix of Christmas classics to add a festive touch to the evening!

Find out more about the WMFS band, here.




Direct Message 5 Friends or Family Members:

This week, take a moment to directly message five friends or family members to tell them about your participation in the Big Sleepout. Share why this cause is important to you and how their support can make a real difference.

Personal messages are much more powerful than a public post, and even a small donation from each person will bring you closer to reaching your fundraising target!



That’s everything from us this week! We’ll be back next Thursday with another mailer to keep you updated. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email:


Thanks, The Fundraising Team – St Basils

Ps, Follow us on socials! Facebook I Instagram I LinkedIn I X (Twitter)

24th October 2024

Just Over 5 Weeks To Go...




With just five weeks to go until The Big Sleepout, we’re excited to bring you this week’s update!

If you’re new to the event or feel like you’ve missed any key information, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. You can catch up on all the previous updates here: Previous Supporter Mailers.

These weekly emails are all about keeping you informed and highlighting the real impact you’re making for young people at St Basils through your support.




St Basils Youth Hubs

The fear of homelessness can be overwhelming, especially for young people. That’s why we run dedicated Youth Hubs across the region, including locations in Birmingham, Solihull, and Coventry.

These hubs provide a safe space for young people to turn to if they are homeless or worried about losing their home. Our experienced staff are always on hand to offer vital information, support, and guidance. Whether it’s help finding accommodation, accessing essential services, or just needing someone to talk to, our Youth Hubs offer a crucial lifeline.

If you want to know more about the full range of services we offer for young people, visit our website for further details: St Basils – About Us




Food & Drink

We’re thrilled to welcome back Langar Aid, who will be serving up a delicious vegan curry that’s just the right balance of warmth and flavour – perfect for getting you through the night! They’ll be dishing it out from 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM, and there will be plenty for everyone.

Hot drinks will also be available inside Millennium Point, and don’t forget to join us for a light breakfast at 5am.

We encourage you to bring plenty of snacks to enjoy throughout the night, but please remember that alcohol is not allowed at the event.




The Creative Cardboard Competition

The Creative Cardboard Competition is BACK and there’s prizes to be won for the most imaginative shelters.

On the night you’ll be given a cardboard box and encouraged to decorate your makeshift home. Over the years we’ve had everything from castles to Scooby Doo’s Mystery Machine, and even a giant Igloo!

You’re very welcome to bring additional items with you, such as craft materials or fairy lights – and more cardboard if needed!

A big thank you to Schumacher Packaging for their continued support of the Sleepout, providing all the cardboard on the night.  






Match Funding

This week, if you can, send an email to your HR department or manager within your workplace and ask if they offer a match funding scheme for donations.

Match funding means that for every pound you raise, your employer will match that amount, doubling the impact of your efforts! It’s a fantastic way to boost your fundraising total while also encouraging your colleagues to get involved. 

Access your personalised fundraising page, below.




That’s everything from us this week! We’ll be back next Thursday with another mailer to keep you updated. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email:


Thanks, The Fundraising Team – St Basils

Ps, Follow us on socials! Facebook I Instagram I LinkedIn I X (Twitter)

31st October 2024

Just Over 4 Weeks To Go...




We’re officially one month away from The Big Sleepout! The countdown is truly on, and we’re so excited to bring you this week’s update as the event draws closer.

If you’ve just joined us or feel like you might have missed out on some key info, don’t worry – we’ve got everything you need right here: Previous Supporter Mailers

These weekly emails are all about keeping you in the loop, getting you excited for what’s to come and showing how your incredible support is helping to change the lives of young people at St Basils. 

Let’s keep that momentum going!




St Basils’ Success Stories

We can’t stress this enough – The Big Sleepout is our flagship fundraising event, and the funds you raise are essential to our mission of ending youth homelessness in the region.

Your support directly impacts the lives of young people, helping them transition from homelessness to stability, and ultimately from surviving to thriving.

Every pound raised brings us closer to changing lives. To see the real difference you’re making, check out the inspiring success stories from young people we’ve supported:




Accessing & Editing Your Fundraising Page

You can access your fundraising page by using your order number and the link below.



Select ‘View Fundraising Page’ on your dashboard and click ‘edit’ on each section.



Creating A Joint Page For Groups & Companies

When a group signs up for the Sleepout, each participant gets their own fundraising page, allowing you to start raising funds right away without setting up additional accounts.

If you’d prefer a group page, simply choose one participant’s page to edit for the group. Need the URL updated to show your company or group name? Just email us at, and we’ll take care of it.

For any fundraising questions, our team is here to help!




The Return Of The Digbeth Derby…

St Basils’ Digbeth Derby is BACK by popular demand to add some additional fun to this year’s Big Sleepout.

Originally launched during the 2020 lockdown, our marble racing series has gained a global fanbase, with over 110,000 TikTok followers cheering on their favourite marbles. The concept is simple but exciting: nine marbles – Red, Yellow, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Black, White, Grey, Green, and Orange – race down the track, and only one will be crowned the winner.

This year, it’s your turn to get involved! Everyone will be assigned a marble colour to cheer on during the race, which will take place during the presentation section of the evening. Will your marble take home the victory? 

Check out one of our past races here: YouTube: Digbeth Derby 🎬






Social Tile: One Month To Go!

We’ve attached a few social tiles to help you mark one month until The Big Sleepout! Share it across your socials, send it direct or include it in an email.

There’s only one month left until St Basils’ Big Sleepout, where I’ll be sleeping rough for a night so a young person doesn’t have to.

Every £9 raised provides a night of safe accommodation at a St Basils project.

If you’re able to, please donate to my fundraising page and help us cover as many nights as possible!




That’s everything from us this week! We’ll be back next Thursday with another mailer to keep you updated. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email:


Thanks, The Fundraising Team – St Basils

P.S, Follow us on socials! Facebook I Instagram I LinkedIn I X (Twitter)

7th November 2024

Just Over 3 Weeks To Go...




Only three weeks remain until The Big Sleepout, and the excitement is building! As the big night approaches, we’re here with everything you need to stay informed and inspired.

Whether you’re a newcomer or just want to catch up on anything you’ve missed, don’t worry—we’ve compiled all the key info here: Previous Supporter Mailers

Together, your support is making a real difference. We’re so grateful to have you on this journey with us and we can’t wait to see the impact you’ll help create. Let’s keep up the amazing work!




St Basils Bistro

St Basils Bistro is a vital part of our mission to support young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. 

Based in Bromsgrove, this charity café and community centre doesn’t just raise funds to help end youth homelessness; it also provides young people with practical work experience in the hospitality industry. Here, they learn valuable skills, gain mentorship, and build confidence for future employment. 

The Bistro also serves as a welcoming space where young people can access support, enjoy nutritious meals, use digital resources, and participate in community events.

Visit their Facebook Page and if you can, pop in to say hello!




The Weather

It’s too early to know the weather forecast for the Big Sleepout but we can pretty much guess there are a few things to consider – cool temperatures and a little rain.

We recommend thinking about both when you’re deciding what to wear for the evening and consider layering up with something waterproof too. We’ve read about how eating more in cooler temperatures might also help, which sounds like a great excuse to bring lots of snacks!



Recap: Creating A Joint Page For Groups & Companies

We spoke about joint pages last week, but thought it might be worth mentioning again!

When a group or company signs up for the Sleepout, each individual gets their own fundraising page, allowing you to start raising funds right away without setting up additional accounts.

However, if you’d prefer a joint page, we suggest you choose one of the pages created and edit it for the group. URLs can be updated to show your company or group name if required.

Alternatively, get in touch and we can delete any unwanted fundraising pages. Just email us at, and we’ll take care of it.

For any fundraising questions, our team is here to help!




The Camaraderie!

Last year’s Big Sleepout was full of unforgettable moments, especially for those who took part with friends or met new people along the way—whether in the queue for curry, shelter neighbours or sitting together during the presentation.

One memorable participant you may have seen was Zain, a veteran of the event. The 2023 Big Sleepout marked his twenty-fifth year of participation!

Reflecting on his experience, Zain shared: “I’ve done every St Basils Sleepout by myself. I’m quite extroverted and love chatting with people. I often feel a bit lonely and bored during the night, but I always have family, friends, and a warm bed to return to. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for young people to not have those fundamental comforts—night after night.”






Have You Decided On Your Cardboard Creation Yet?

If you haven’t already, start thinking about your design for the Creative Cardboard Competition.

Your shelter can reflect anything that inspires you – from your favourite TV show or movie to a festive Christmas theme. Think cozy cabins, quirky castles, or even a winter wonderland. Bring along extra cardboard and craft supplies to help make your vision a reality. And for some finishing touches, consider adding string lights, bright colours, or cutouts for windows and doors. Let your imagination run wild…

Remember, there’s a prize for the top 3 designs!





That’s everything from us this week! We’ll be back next Thursday with another mailer to keep you updated. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email:

Thanks, The Fundraising Team – St Basils

P.S, Follow us on socials! Facebook I Instagram I LinkedIn I X (Twitter)


View Your Fundraising Page



14th November 2024

Just Over 2 Weeks To Go...




With just two weeks to go until the Big Sleepout, the excitement is building! However, you might also feel a bit nervous about the challenge ahead. Sleeping out in what’s likely to be freezing temperatures will be difficult. But rest assured—you’re in great company, and we’re here to support you now and throughout the event.

Remember, spending this one night outside helps ensure a young person in need won’t have to.

If you’re new to the event or feel like you may have missed some important details, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! Catch up on everything here: Previous Supporter Mailers




St Basils Live & Work Scheme

St Basils Live & Work Scheme offers young people affordable housing while they work or pursue apprenticeships. With discounted rents (over 50% less than private rentals), the scheme allows young people to save for the future while sharing a supportive community. Accommodation options include shared flats at £50 per week or individual apartments at £75 per week, with tenancies that can last up to two years.

More than just housing, the scheme provides a stable base for young people to build their careers and adjust to independent living, with on-site support available for advice and guidance. To be eligible, applicants need to be working or have an employment offer and able to cover living costs.

This program is one way St Basils empowers young people to start their careers and work towards long-term independence.

For more information, visit our website: About St Basils’ Live and Work Scheme




Your Kit List: What To Bring

On the night, you’ll receive a cardboard box for your shelter and a plastic sheet in case of rain. We also suggest bringing the following…

A Sleeping Bag: A warm, weather-resistant sleeping bag is a must.

Blankets: Bring a few extra blankets for added warmth.

Plenty of Layers: Dress in multiple layers (thermal tops, jumpers, jackets) to keep warm. Make sure to bring a waterproof layer too.

Hats, Gloves, and Extra Socks: These are essential to protect you from the cold. 

Ground Mat or Foam Pad: Adds an extra layer between you and the ground.

Snacks & Water: Pack some energy-boosting snacks and water to keep you going through the night. 

Torch and Headlamp: Handy for when you’re inside your shelter.

Fairy Lights & Craft Materials: For the creative cardboard competition!



Important Reminder: No Alcohol

Please remember that alcohol is not permitted at the Big Sleepout. While it might feel warming at first, alcohol actually lowers your body temperature, which can make you feel colder and increase your risk of hypothermia in cool conditions. For your safety and comfort, please don’t bring any alcohol with you.




A big thank you to the Coffee Break Café inside Millennium Point, who will be providing bacon rolls and vegan rolls, which will be served between 5am – 7am. 

All you have to do is show your wristband to the staff and you will receive your choice of breakfast, free of charge. 

If you do not require breakfast or think you may leave before 5am, please let us know by emailing: This will help us avoid any waste. Thank you!




King G. Mall & The Dhol Blasters

For the first time, we’re so excited to welcome renowned Bhangra legend, King G. Mall to this year’s Big Sleepout!

King G. Mall has famously put the Dhol Dum on the map and popularised Bhangra music worldwide. His decades-long career is marked by numerous accolades, including Lifetime Achievement Awards and World Records.

Their performance is guaranteed to get you moving, warming you up in no time!






‘Two Weeks To Go’ Social Post / Direct Message To Friends & Family

With just two weeks to go until the Sleepout, you can use the below text to share alongside your fundraising page. We’ve also attached some social tiles to this email, too! 

“In just two weeks, I’ll be taking part in the Big Sleepout to support St Basils, a charity dedicated to supporting and accommodating young people who are experiencing homelessness.

From 6pm to 6am, I’ll be sleeping outside in Millennium Point’s car park, using only a cardboard box and plastic sheet for shelter. This challenge could never replicate the harsh reality of sleeping rough, because I will have access to a toilet and hot drinks throughout the night… but it will give me a glimpse into the challenges faced by young people without a home.

If you can, please make a donation to my fundraising page. No young person should have to endure a night on the streets: (INCLUDE YOUR FUNDRAISING PAGE).”



That’s everything from us this week! We’ll be back next Thursday with another mailer to keep you updated. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email:

Thanks, The Fundraising Team – St Basils

P.S, Follow us on socials! Facebook I Instagram I LinkedIn I X (Twitter)


View Your Fundraising Page


21st November 2024

Just Over 1 Week To Go...




With just one week to go until this year’s Big Sleepout, we’re back with a message from St Basils Events Team, recapping all the key information you need to know before the big day.  

Before we dive into the logistics, we want to highlight your fundraising! With just one week left until the Sleepout, please continue sharing your fundraising page and collecting those vital donations. A link to your personalised fundraising page is at the bottom of this mailer.  

Finally, if you’ve signed up this week to the event, make sure you check out our previous mailers which you can find here: Previous Participant Mailers.




Hello everyone,

First, let us introduce ourselves—we’re Steve and Toni from St Basils Events Team. Each year, we organise the Big Sleepout, ensuring it’s not only safe but also an enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Below, you’ll find some key information to keep in mind as you prepare for this year’s event.



Entry into the event will begin at 6pm and will close at 10pm. When entering, make sure you collect your wristband so you can re-enter the venue if needed, collect your cardboard and also receive your dinner and breakfast. 


T&Cs (Event Pack)

When registering to the Big Sleepout, you agreed to the T&Cs of the event, but it’s worth a re-cap before the big day. If you are a part of a group, please make sure you re-distribute it out to everyone attending. 

Here is the Event’s Pack, which includes T&Cs and other important information: Big Sleepout Event’s Pack 2024



If you are parking in the multi-storey car park at Millennium Point, please note it will be closed between 12:00am and 6:00am, and you will not be able to access or move your vehicle during these hours.

If you plan to leave the event before 6am, we recommend using Parkopedia to check out other parking options in the area.

When using a car park, you do so at your own risk. St Basils will not accept responsibility for any damage or loss, so please remember to check timings, charges and parking details prior to leaving the car.

For schools and groups bringing a coach / mini bus, make sure you check height restrictions.


The Weather

This week’s snowfall has given us all a glimpse of just how bitterly cold it can be. If you’ve felt the chill stepping outside, imagine what it’s like for a young person spending a night on the streets without shelter.

So with that in mind, you must prepare for below freezing temperatures. We recommend bringing plenty of layers including a waterproof coat. Don’t forget hats, gloves and extra socks plus plenty of blankets to put over and under you. 


Quiet Time & Map

At 12am, we ask that you begin to settle down and be considerate to those around you who are trying to sleep. 

This year we are introducing different zones, which includes a quiet area. We will also be allocating space to larger school groups. Please see below a map, which shows where the quiet zone will be located. 

Inside Millennium Point, we will provide hot drinks throughout the night. There’s also seating inside for you to warm-up and have a chat!





Finally, if you have any questions about the event or any changes to your registration, please email:

Thank you so much for your support at this year’s Big Sleepout. We look forward to welcoming you to Millennium Point on Friday 29th November.

Steve & Toni, St Basils Events Team




‘One Week To Go’ Social Post / Direct Message To Friends & Family

With just one week to go until the Sleepout, you can use the below text to share alongside your fundraising page. We’ve also attached a few more social tiles to this email.


The Big Sleepout is just one week away!

With the recent snow and freezing temperatures across the UK, I’ve been reminded just how harsh winter can be—and it’s even harder to imagine what it’s like for a young person sleeping rough.

On Friday 29th November, I’ll be sleeping outside at Millennium Point as part of St Basils’ Big Sleepout, using just a cardboard box for shelter. This challenge is a small glimpse into the struggles faced by young people experiencing homelessness.

Every donation helps St Basils provide vital support, accommodation, and hope for young people in need. If you can, please make a donation to my fundraising page: (INSERT YOUR FUNDRAISING PAGE).



We’ll be back next week with our final few mailers. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email:

Thanks, The Fundraising Team – St Basils

P.S, Follow us on socials! Facebook I Instagram I LinkedIn I X (Twitter)


View Your Fundraising Page