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Girls Brigade Group Raise Funds to Help Young People


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Girls Brigade Group Raise Funds to Help Young People

13th Coventry Girls Brigade have worked hard to fund raise in order to put together starter packs for our young people moving onto their own accommodation.

Moving on from St Basils can be a big deal for some of our young people who are very vulnerable or have lived in Care most of their lives. Suddenly being face with the prospect of living on your own with only visits from Support Staff is a daunting prospect. Everything we do at St Basils is about preparing young people to live independently and we have a whole Life Skills training course around this aim, but a few home comforts really does make all the difference in smoothing the path to independent living.

13th Coventry Girls Brigade’s volunteer leader Andrea Stokes, has told us how hard the girls have been working to collect donations for a jumble sale and raffle, the proceeds of which was then used to buy new bedding in order to be able to provide two complete ‘Gold Standard’ Starter Packs of household items for two young people moving into their own accommodation.

13th Coventry Girls Brigade have sent us pictures of the packs and our new Coventry and Warwickshire Business and Communities  Executive Luke Selibas will be collecting them shortly.

Thanks so much Girls for all your hard work! We can’t tell you what a difference this really will make to our young people!