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Youth Hub Open Days


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Youth Hub Open Days

We hold Youth Hub open days and Briefings for Housing and Youth Service professionals to find out more about what the Youth Hub in Birmingham can offer young people at risk of homelessness. Here you’ll find the dates of the next ones.

St Basils Youth Hub service based in St Basils church building on Heath Mill Lane, Birmingham, provides the Single Point of Access for a range of accommodation and support services that can help young people aged 16-25 in Birmingham who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

It has been operational since 2010 but The Homelessness Reduction Act 2018 and Duty to Refer has bought many changes to the way the Youth Hub operates. New services have also been launched recently to improve our offer to young people.

Housing or Youth Service professionals, partner agencies or other referrers can book on to find out more about our new processes and what we can offer young people (depending on their age and situation).

The Briefings include:

1) Presentation delivered by Youth Hub Partners (St Basils, Birmingham City Council’s Housing Needs Services, Children Young People and Families Directorate) on:

  • Service Background
  • Youth Hub Partnerships
  • Youth Hub ProcessesThere will also be the opportunity to ask questions.

2) Tour of the Youth Hub, to speak with staff and gain a further understanding of the service and ‘customer journey’.

Youth Hub briefings are always on a Tuesday from 10 – 12. The next Youth Hub briefings will be held on:

  • July 23rd
  • Aug 20th
  • Sept 17th
  • Oct 22nd
  • Nov 19th
  • Dec 17th

To book a place: please email with your name, phone number and preferred date.

If you have any further questions about booking please call 0121 766 6907 Ext. 1900 and ask to speak to Hannah Coban.